
All of the natural elements throughout the universe have no choice in their expansion efforts.

The cycle of life which has manifested everything seen or unseen is always in a state of growth. During the planet earth’s existence for billions of years, humans are one of the most advanced and recent products of this wonderful process. Humans also have the invaluable access to the power of complete free will. Their growth individually and collectively will always be a product of the choices they make.

There are no limits in the life of any human that takes full advantage of its power. Most of them have allowed their own ideas and actions to impede their opportunities to prosper. During their existence, there are not many humans who are interested in mastering all of their bodily systems given at birth. The circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive and nervous systems are just a few of the tools that once all working in unison, can lead to limitless potential in one’s life. Many of them have succumb to repeating the unintentional mistakes made by humans who came in earlier stages of their earth’s development. Re-Creationism is an experience-based way of life for any human prepared to manifest results never previously recorded.


All of the natural elements throughout the universe have no choice in their expansion efforts.

The cycle of life which has manifested everything seen or unseen is always in a state of growth. During the planet earth’s existence for billions of years, humans are one of the most advanced and recent products of this wonderful process. Humans also have the invaluable access to the power of complete free will. Their growth individually and collectively will always be a product of the choices they make.

There are no limits in the life of any human that takes full advantage of its power. Most of them have allowed their own ideas and actions to impede their opportunities to prosper. During their existence, there are not many humans who are interested in mastering all of their bodily systems given at birth. The circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive and nervous systems are just a few of the tools that once all working in unison, can lead to limitless potential in one’s life. Many of them have succumb to repeating the unintentional mistakes made by humans who came in earlier stages of their earth’s development. Re-Creationism is an experience-based way of life for any human prepared to manifest results never previously recorded.


The body is mostly water, so understanding its flow is essential to expanding in the direction of the universe.

Every moment of each human’s life, all of the body’s systems are in a constant state of replacement and repair. This remarkable gift given to each human usually leads many of them to take their bodies for granted. Very often, due to long-term self-induced damage of many kinds, the effect leads the body towards decay. Most of the issues humans deal with are caused due to the negative results not immediately felt. As soon as the choice (food, drink, activity, etc.,) is made, the body’s repair mechanism continues to do its best to immediately fix the problem, but after years of repeated offenses, the wear and tear usually causes the body to shut down much earlier than what was possible.


There are no limits to the mind’s ability to expand. Its user sets the limits. The shooting stars within our galaxy are slow in comparison to the speed of thought, so without having its power under full control, heading in an unwanted direction happens within the blink of an eye.

The earth is a wonderful training ground for the human that seeks ultimate control of their feelings, but billions of well-intended humans have not successfully used it as an opportunity for their advancement. Some of the lessons taught to earlier human life from watching animals did much more harm than good. Without many of the first humans understanding the power of their intellectual faculties, their physical senses mixed with the fight or flight mentality, spiraled into generations of humans who have remained quite ignorant in the area of complete emotional control. Due to the nature of the universe, the cycle of life will continue to develop, but many who are lacking full control of their mind’s capabilities will continue to take themselves in the opposite direction.


Fractures in the earth’s foundation are called faults. The fractures in a human’s foundation are heavily due to a lack of understanding or comprehension. As the inevitable effects continue, whose fault is it if that human doesn’t realize their structure is cracked?

Complacency due to reaching certain points in every area of life has been one of the most popular customs embraced by the humans. Due to examples set by previous generations, there are destination-based goals reached in the average human’s life where growth at the highest level possible is no longer the priority. Simply maintaining becomes a priority in his or her life cycle. Their gift of perception, which gives the ability to absorb unknown amounts of experience, hardly gets tapped into during many instances. The internal hunger that gives each body the desire to learn and master essential concepts usually gets spent in ways that cause long-term harm to its user.


The uncultivated growth within a jungle is produced due to no limits being placed on its connection with the universe. A similar connection must be included in one’s life work. Without it, the fruits of labor that stem from the reluctantly maintained life garden produce a very bitter aftertaste.

The concept of competition has severely impacted humanity’s potential. This imaginary barrier has been taught and embraced by billions of humans, who are all uniquely designed to carry out life missions specifically catered to their interests, talents and abilities. Due to attempting to be like each other, many of them never find out who they really are. They have developed various standards of living that many of them have adapted to, which in most cases has suppressed their creativity. The ongoing chase for one of their several forms of currency has turned many of them into unfulfilled survivors instead of purpose-driven originators.


To learn more about Kinja Dixon, the creator of Re-Creationism, click below.