The Human Color Code System

When did the first two humans engage in conflict and what caused it? Regardless of the answer, our history has shown us the domino effect in many ways. Arguing, fighting, kidnapping, rape, torture, killing, warring and many other methods of inflicting control have been products of something that compounded over hundreds of thousands of years…

An Identity Creates an Agenda

One of my clients recently sent me an email expressing her gratitude for helping her to finally break her away from an identity crisis she was having for several years. As a woman in her mid-forties, she realized how much impact some of the verbal abuse that her two older siblings had on who…

The Human Identity Crisis

“Kinja, you and everybody you see are the same. You just look different.” I remember regularly hearing this from my mother throughout my entire childhood and I never really understood how much of an impact the above words would have on my life. They say that sometimes the littlest things can have the greatest effect…